Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tips On Traveling With A Toddler

Travelling with children can be somewhat like shooting a herd of wild goats on vacation. Whether they're your own or somebody else's, factoring a kid 's needs into your journeys involves a lot more than sticking on a CD full of pop music and making toilet stops. Here two Rough Guides writers share their hard-won wisdom. To start, mum of 2 Hayley Spurway offers guidance on traveling with toddlers, subsequently Ross McGovern reveals how he manages to traveling with older kids. Hayley Spurway's hints for traveling with toddlers

Check your passports

Children's passports only last five years and they have a habit of running out once you're not searching. Allow at least four weeks to rekindle one. The cost of a last-minute passport is astronomical, and especially galling if you only realise it's necessary when already in the ferry queue at Calais. Don't ask us how we know this. We only do.

Pack Pull-Ups for potty training

Planes and public transport throughout the potty training times can be a nightmare. As in the event that you didn't have enough in your hand luggage, today you're expected to bring a potty, three changes of clothing and bags of wet, stinky pants. Potty-training gurus may disagree, however when toddlers are still having plenty of little mishaps then I'm all for placing them back into Pull-Ups on the plane.

Take your time

The greatest thing you can take - whether in the airport, sightseeing or getting from A to B - is extra time. Toddlers love to explore and don't care for the time pressures of traveling, so you're prone to retain your cool if you factor that the faffing, gawping, stalling, bathroom stops and tantrums into your timeframe.

Brand them

If you're likely to be travelling through busy, crowded airports or transportation hubs, then write your cellular number on your child's arm at biro in case they get lost.

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